VPA VPC FIC 高溫擴散塗層設備

Serthel VPA VPC FIC 高溫擴散塗層設備

Serthel VPA VPC FIC 高溫擴散塗層設備

VPA 氣相鋁化塗層設備
VPC 氣相鉻化塗層設備
Fluoride Ion Cleaning 氟化離子清潔
  • furnace 2.png
  • furnace 3.png
  • furnace 4.png
  • furnace 5.png
  • furnace view.png
  • Serthel furnace 1.png
Serthel Industry CVD installations can handle
all kinds of deposition / coating treatments:
• Vapor phase aluminizing (VPA)
• Vapor phase chromizing (VPC)
• Fluor ion cleaning (FIC)

These furnaces are particularly adapted to Vapor Phase Aluminizing processes (VPA) of turbines blades
but they can also be used as well for Vapor Phase Chromizing processes (VPC) as for pickling processes
under HF gas (Hydrogen Fluoride), in the case of corrosion repairs and treatments
(FIC Process – Fluoride Ion Cleaning).

Useful diameter of the hearth: 700, 1000, 1200 & 1400mm
Useful height of the hearth: from 500mm up to 1800mm
Working temperature: from 900°C up to 1160°C
Manual or automated cycles

Serthel Industry chemical vapor deposition lines are made of :
•1 high temperature furnace
•2 under hearth mobile treatment cells
•1 cooling cell
•1 loading / unloading position
